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The Alabama A&M University Writing Center

Our services are free for all AAMU students and our tutors come from a variety of academic disciplines with specialized training to work with all types of writing and writers. Our center also has other writing resources that writers can access for help with such things as research documentation, avoiding plagiarism or reviewing the rules of punctuation and grammar.


Book your Appointment

In person tutoring is now available

To make an in-person appointment, log in to AAMU SSO and choose "Navigate." Select the "Get Assistance" button on the right. Then choose "Writing Assistance" for undergraduate, graduate, faculty or staff . FACULTY/STAFF PLEASE NOTE: in Navigate, you will need to switch from "Staff or Professor Home" to "Student Home" in order to see the "get assistance" button. To toggle between roles, click on the down arrow next to your title which is located at the top left side of home page. 


If you're working on a DISSERTATION, MASTER'S THESIS or MASTER'S REPORT, go to:


What to Expect When You Come…

Contact Us

Writing Center
(256) 372-8006
Carver Complex North, 125
Kiietti Walker-Parker
Writing Center Director
Professor of English
Cerdricia Stanton
Writing Center Coordinator