Associate Professor
Carver Complex South Bonner Wing Room A-204
Phone: (256) 372-4185
Dr. Mbila’s research interests are in soil organic carbon accumulation and redistribution processes, pedogenesis and soil classification. My research efforts are directed towards investigating the processes by which organic matter originating from various sources reach the soil surface, and how the organic carbon decomposition fate is governed by soil-forming processes in agronomic and forest ecosystems.
Area of Expertise and/or Research:
Soil Science, pedology, soil mineralogy and environmental quality.
Ph.D. Soil Science. 2000. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
M.S. Soil Science. 1993. University of Ghent, Belgium.
Post-Grad Diploma, Remote sensing. 1991. Institute of Aerospace Survey (ITC), The Netherlands.
B. Sc. (Honors) Agriculture. 1988. University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Jaja Ngowari, Monday Mbila, Eton Codling, Teferi Tsegaye, Jamiu Odutola. 2022. Landscape variability of riparian buffers and its impact on soil and water chemistry of an urbanized watershed. Ecological Indicators. 137. 108777. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108777.
Brevik EC, H. Dolliver, S. Edinger-Marshall, D. Itkin, J. Johnson-Maynard, G Liles, M. Mbila, C. Moorberg, Y. Sanchez-de Leon, J. Steffan, A. Ulery, K. Vaughan. 2020. Undergraduate degrees that train students for soil science careers at universities in the United States and its territories. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 2020;1–11.
Adesodun J., B. Udom, O. Abudu, C. Adejuyigbe, O. Enikuomehin, O. Thanni, F. Olowokere, C. Oyegoke, M. Mbila, and A. Olubode. 2020. Soil organic carbon fractions and aggregation of a tropical Alfisol as affected by plant residues. Nig J. Soil Sci. 30: 92-101.
Adesodun, J., B. Udom, A. Adekunle, C. Adejuyigbe, M. Atayese, F. Olowokere, M. Mbila, and C. Oyegoke. 2020. Effect of tillage and maize-cowpea intercrop on fractal features of particle and aggregate size distribution on a tropical sandy loam soil in southwest Nigeria. Nig J. Soil Sci. 30:102-110.
Brevik, E. C., K. L. Vaughan, S. J. Parikh, H. Dolliver, D. Lindbo, J. J. Steffan, D. C. Weindorf, P. McDaniel, M. Mbila, and S. Edinger-Marshall. 2018. Trends in Undergraduate Soil Science Education at Selected Universities in the USA from 2009 to 2013. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 82:295–306.
Monday Mbila, Sampson Hopkinson, Srinivasa Mentreddy. 2017. Effects of Alabama Soil Types on the Plant Biomass and Elements in Holy Basil. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 2:414-433.
Ngowari Jaja, Monday Mbila, Yong Wang. 2017. Trace Metal Distribution and Mobility in Soils after Silvicultural Thinning and Burning. Journal of Agricultural Science. 9: 83-94.
Monday Mbila, and Jeffrey Homburg. 2016. Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Cultural and Natural Deposits in the Ballona. Archaeological Sites and Chronology: People in a Changing Land: The Archaeology and History of the Ballona in Los Angeles, California, Volume 2. Edited by Benjamin R. Vargas, John G. Douglass, and Seetha N. Reddy. Statistical Research, Inc. Tucson, AR. Technical Series 94: Vol.2, 510 pp.
Mbila, M. 2014. Soil Minerals, Organisms, and Human Health: Medicinal Uses of Soils and Soil Materials. In Brevik et al (ed) Soils and Human Health. Taylor & Francis. pp 199-214.
Ngowari Jaja, Mbila, M.O, Codling E.E, Reddy S.R and Reddy, C.K. 2013. Trace Metal Enrichment and Distribution in a Poultry Litter-amended Soil under different Tillage Practices. The Open Agriculture Journal, 7: 88-95.
Indumathi Kamma, Monday Mbila, Karen E. Steege Gall, and B. Rami Reddy. 2013. Spectroscopic characterization of erbium doped glass ceramic. Optical Materials Express, 3:884-892.
M. M. Nobles, W. Dillon Jr., and M. Mbila. 2009. Initial Response of Soil Nutrient Pools to Prescribed Burning and Thinning in a Managed Forest Ecosystem of Northern Alabama. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 73: 285 - 292.
Mbila, M., D. Clendenon, G. Martin, and T. Tsegaye. 2008. Monitoring Wells and Piezometers. In Logsdon et al (eds.) Soil Science: Step by Step Field Analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Book Ser. Madison, WI. ISBN: 978-0-89118-849-0. p251.
David L. Lindbo, Wendy Greenberg, Laurel Hartely, John Havlin, Thomas E. Loynachan, Monday Mbila, Bianca Mobieus, Emily Stockman, Janis Boettinger, Mary E. Collins, John Omueti, Dennis Osborne, Deborah A.Kozlowski,Chien-Lu Ping, and Ray Weil. 2008 Soils: Get the Inside Scoop. The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). Madison WI. ISBN: 978-0-89118-848-3. p39
Pardo, L.H., P. Templer, C.L. Goodale, S. Duke, P. Groffman, M.B. Adams, P. Boeckx, J. Boggs, J. Campbell, J. Compton, B. Emmett, P. Gundersen, J. Kj?naas, G. Lovett, M. Mack, A. Magill, M.J. Mitchell, M. Mbila, G. McGee, S. McNulty, K. Nadelhoffer, B. Colman, S. Ollinger, D. Ross, H. Rueth, L. Rustad, P. Schaberg, S. Schiff, P. Schleppi, J. Spoelstra, and W. Wessel. 2006. Regional Assessment of N saturation using foliar and root δ15N. Biogeochemistry. 80: 143-171.
McGee, G.G., M.JU. Mitchell, D.J. Leopold, M.Mbila, and D.J. Raynal. 2006. Forest age and composition influence elemental dynamics of Adirondack northern hardwood forests. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society: Vol. 134, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 2007), pp. 253-268.
Mbila, M.O., and M.L. Thompson. 2004. Plant-available Zn and Pb in soils at the Mines of Spain, Iowa. J. Environ. Qual. 33:553-558.
Tazisong, I.A., Senwo, Z.N, Senwo, R.W. Taylor, M.O. Mbila, and Y. Wang. 2004. Concentration and distribution of iron and manganese fractions in Alabama ultisols. Soil Sci. 169:489-496.
Mitchell M.J., C.T. Driscoll, S. Inamder, G.G. McGee, M.O. Mbila, D.J. Raynal. 2003. Nitrogen biogeochemistry in the Adirondack Mountains of New York: Hardwood ecosystems and associated surface waters. Environ. Pollut. 123:355-364.
Mbila, M.O., M.L. Thompson, J.S.C. Mbagwu, and D. Laird. 2003. Changes in morphological and chemical properties of a Nigerian ultisol amended with sewage sludge. Soil Sci. 168:660-669.
Mbila, M.O., M.L. Thompson, J.S.C. Mbagwu and D. Laird. 2001 Distribution of sludge-derived trace metals in selected Nigerian soils. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1485-1860.
Yang, M., X. Xiao, and M. Mbila* 2022. Carbon Exchange Studies of Soybeans under Till and No-Till Cropping Systems. The Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD) meeting, Atlanta GA. April 2-6, 2022.
X. Xiao, X. Kuang, D. Davis, M. Yang, and M. Mbila*. 2022. Effects of row position on soil water and temperature in corn cropland. The Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD) meeting, Atlanta GA. April 2-6, 2022.
Jayachander Gangasani, Monday Mbila, Yinshu Wu, Jian Fu. Soil Moisture Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Eds. Arabnia et al.). American Council on Science and Education. July 17-20, 2017, Las Vegas Nevada, USA.
Xinhua Xiao, Xianyan Kuang, Dedrick D. Davis, Monday Mbila. 2017. Real Time Evapotranspiration Monitoring and Forecasting Based on Alabama Mesonet. (Oral #110-3). In Proceedings of CSA/ASA/SSSA 2017 International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL., October 22-25.
Xiao, X., X. Kuang, D. Davis, and M. Mbila. 2017 Alabama Mesonet Based Site-specific Soil Water Deficit Index. 1890 Association of Research Directors (ARD) Research Symposium 2017. April. 1-4, Atlanta, GA.
Jayachander Gangasani, Monday Mbila, Yinshu Wu, Jian Fu. Soil Moisture Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering & Applied Computing. American Council on Science and Education. July 17-20, 2017, Las Vegas Nevada, USA.
Monday Mbila, WHNT TV Channel 19 News Interview on Alabama 2017 year drought, 05/10/17; WHNT TV News, CBS Affiliate.
Eric C. Brevik, Karen L. Vaughan, Sanjai J. Parikh, Holly Dolliver, David Lindbo, Joshua J. Steffan, David C. Weindorf, Paul McDaniel, Monday Mbila, Susan Edinger-Marshall. 2017. The academic majors of students taking American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2017. Abstract identification number EGU 2017-4122.
Eric C. Brevik, Karen L. Vaughan, Sanjai J. Parikh, Holly Dolliver, David Lindbo, Joshua J. Steffan, David C. Weindorf, Paul McDaniel, Monday Mbila, Susan Edinger-Marshall. 2017. Enrollment trends in American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2017. Abstract identification number EGU 2017-4125.
David L. Lindbo, Eric C. Brevik, Karen L. Vaughan, Sanjai J. Parikh, Holly Dolliver, Joshua J. Steffan, David C. Weindorf, Paul McDaniel, Monday Mbila, Susan Edinger-Marshall.. 2017. Trends in gender diversity of American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2017. Abstract identification number EGU 2017-7024.
Xiao, X., X. Kuang, D. Davis, M. Mbila. 2016. Drought monitoring in Alabama with available soil moisture and plant water use based on ALMNet. ASA-CSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 6-9, Phoenix, AZ.
Monday Mbila, 2015. Organic Matter and Clay Mineral Redistribution in Fire-Managed Alabama Ultisols. (Oral presentation # 17-2; CSA/ASA/SSSA 2015 International Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN., November 15-18.
Brevik, E, A. Sergio, D. Brown, H. Dolliver, D. Hopkins, D. Lindbo, A. Manu, M. Mbila, S. Parikh, D. Schulze, J. Shaw, R. Weil, and D. Weindorf. 2015. Enrollment Trends in American Soil Science Programs Since 2007 (Poster #1300) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2015 International Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN., November 15-18.
Mbila, M.O. 2015. Organic Matter and Clay Mineral Redistribution in Fire-Managed Alabama Ultisols. Invited Presentation, Agronomy Soil Science Seminar Series. March 25, 2015. Agronomy Department, Iowa State University, Ames , IA.
E. Brevik, E., S. Abit, D. Brown, H. Dolliver, D. Hopkins, D. Lindbo, A. Manu, M. Mbila, S. Parikh, D. Schulze, J. Shaw, R. Weil, and D. Weindorf. 2015. Recent Enrollment Trends in American Soil Science Programs. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU 2015-1816, 2015. EGU General Assembly 2015.
Yinusa Omidiran, Monday Mbila, and Maheteme Gebremedhin. 2014. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and C-sequestration potential of a North Alabama forest during different seasons. (Poster #132-4) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, CA., November 2-5.
Peace Dunu, Monday Mbila, Maheteme Gebremedhin, Yinusa Omidiran. 2014. Soil Carbon Dioxide Efflux Rates of two Tillage Practices. STEM Day 2013, Alabama A&M University.
Tommy Smith, Sampson Hopkinson, Monday Mbila, and Srinivasa Mentreddy. 2014. Effect of Alabama Soil Types on Plant Biomass and Elements in Holy Basil. STEM Day 2013, Alabama A&M University.
Maria Nobles, and Monday Mbila, William J Massman, Greg Butters. 2013. Mineralogical and Micromorphological Modifications in Soil Affected By Slash Pile Burn. (Oral #139-3) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2013 International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL November 3-5.
Monday Mbila. 2013. Eddy Covariance Tower Project. Bankhead National Forest Liaison Panel Meeting Summary May 16, 2013 First National Bank Double Springs, Alabama.
Omidiran, Yinusa, Peace Dunu, and Monday Mbila. 2012. Tropospheric Ozone Precursors and Anthropogenic Activities in an Urban Setting of Huntsville, Alabama. 2012 Alabama, Florida, and Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting, Eufaula, AL., May 23-25, 2012.
Mbila, Monday. 2011. Soil Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Selected Geophagic Materials. (Poster # 283-4) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2011 International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX - Oct. 16-19, 2011.
Washington, Douglas, Monday Mbila, Maria Nobles, Christopher Ford, and Eddie Davis. 2011. Soil Genesis and Variability Along a Benchmark Soil Toposequence In North Alabama. (Poster # 263-7) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2011 International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX - Oct. 16-19, 2011.
Omidiran, Yinusa, Peace Dunu, and Monday Mbila. 2012. Tropospheric Ozone Precursors and Anthropogenic Activities in an Urban Setting of Huntsville, Alabama. STEM Day 2012, Alabama A&M University.
Mbila, Monday. 2011. Hydroperiods and field indicators of some North Alabama soils. North East-1038 Annual Meeting. 1038 Multistate Project Meeting, Henry B, Gonzales Convention Center, 213B, October 16, 2011.
Washington, Douglas, Monday Mbila, Maria Nobles, Christopher Ford, and Eddie Davis. 2011. Soil Genesis and Variability Along a Benchmark Soil Toposequence In North Alabama. STEM Day 2012, Alabama A&M University.
Monday Mbila, Ngowari Jaja, and Maria Nobles. 2009. Investigating Metal and Mineral Redistribution in Fire-Managed Forest Ultisols (Oral paper #104-2) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2009 International Annual Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5.
M.M. Nobles, W. J. Massman, Monday Mbila, and Greg Butters. 2009. Mineralogical and Micromorphological Modifications in Soil Affected by Slash Pile Burn. (Poster #122-2) CSA/ASA/SSSA 2009 International Annual Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5.
Monday Mbila, Maria Nobles, and Tommy Coleman. 2008. Clay Mineralogy of Selected North Alabama Soils (Poster). GSA/CSA/ASA/SSSA 2008 Joint Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Lindbo David, Laurel Hartley, Wendy Greenberg, John Havlin, Thomas Loynachan, Monday Mbila, Bianca Moebius-Clune, Emily Stockman, and Dennis Osborne. 2008. “Dig It! The Secret Life of Soil” – SSSA General Interest Soils Book. GSA/CSA/ASA/SSSA 2008 Joint Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Nobles, M.M. and M. Mbila. 2008. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in fire- and logging-affected soils in the first stages of Southern Appalachian forest ecosystem study. GSA/CSA/ASA/SSSA 2008 Joint Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Nobles, M.M., and M. Mbila. 2008. Clay Mineral Transformation in Fire-Affected Soils of Northern Alabama. (Oral) GSA/CSA/ASA/SSSA 2008 Joint Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Mbila, M., D. Wallace Jr., and N. Maria. 2007. Forest ecosystem management practices and carbon storage in North Alabama soils. 2007 First Forest Ecosystem Conference CFEA-CREST, June 6-7, 2007
Mbila, M., N. Maria, N. Jaja, and T. Coleman. 2007. Clay mineral distribution and transformation patterns in fire-managed Ultisols in Alabama. 2007 AAMU First Forest Ecosystem Conference CFEA-CREST, June 6-7, 2007.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2007. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil following prescribed burning and thinning in the first stages of Southern Appalachian forest ecosystem study. CSA/ASA/SSSA 2007 Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Nov. 4-8, 2007.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon Jr. and M. Mbila. 2007. Changes in selected soil properties immediately following prescribed treatments in a disturbed forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama. 2007 AAMU First Forest Ecosystem Conference CFEA-CREST, June 6-7, 2007.
Maria Nobles, Wallace Dillon, and Monday Mbila 2007. Nutrient Distribution in Soil Immediately Following Prescribed Treatments in Disturbed Forest Ecosystem of Northern Alabama. In 2007 Fourth USDA Greenhouse Gas Conference Abstracts. United State Department of Agriculture, Baltimore, MD, February, 6-8, 2007.
Mbila, M. O., W. Dillon Jr., and M. Nobles. 2006. Ecosystem Management Practices and Carbon Storage in North Alabama Soils. In 18th World Congress of Soil Science Abstracts: Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils (177-23 Poster 3312b), July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Nobles, M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2006. Impact of prescribed management treatments on selected soil properties in a disturbed forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama. In 18th World Congress of Soil Science Abstracts: Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils (177-21 Poster 3313b), July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Dillon, W., Jr., M. Nobles, and M.Mbila. 2006. Partitioning soil C storage under different forest ecosystem management practices in North Alabama. In 2006 14th Biennial Research Symposium Abstracts. Association of Research Directors, Inc. (P64). April 1-5, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
Myers, S., R.W. Taylor, B. Belvitt, T. Ranatunga, Z. Senwo, and M.Mbila. 2006. Bioavailability of phosphate fractions in poultry litter amended ultisols. In 2006 14th Biennial Research Symposium Abstracts. Association of Research Directors, Inc. (P68). April 1-5, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
Belvitt, B., R. Mankolo, R. Taylor, and M.Mbila. 2006. Distribution of trace metal in poultry litter amended soils in Northern Alabama. In 2006 14th Biennial Research Symposium Abstracts. Association of Research Directors, Inc. (P196). April 1-5, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
Mbila, M. O., C. Clendenon, T. Tsegaye, and T. Coleman. 2005. Soil hydrological controls on pedogenesis in selected temporarily saturated Alabama soils. In Proceedings IEEE 2005 International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium on DVD. ISBN: 0-7803-9051-2. 25-29 July 2005. Seoul, Korea. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Piscataway, NJ.
Mbila, M.O., D. Clendenon, C. Ford, and T. Coleman. 2005. Soil Moisture Conditions, Morphology, and Classification of Selected North Alabama Soils: USDA-NRCS Soil Water-Level Data Loggers. In 2005 Agronomy abstracts. ASA Madison WI (SO5 #922 –Poster), Annual Meetings – November 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City UT.
Maria Nobles, Monday Mbila, Wallace Dillon. 2005. Biogeochemical Nutrient Distribution in Disturbed Forest Ecosystem of Northern Alabama. In 2005 Agronomy abstracts. ASA Madison WI (SO5 #1523 –Poster), Annual Meetings – November 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City UT.
M.O. Mbila. 2004. Fe oxide concentrations, chemical extractability and plant uptake of trace and native metals in soils. In 2004 Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI (S09 #3550 -Poster), Annual Meetings – October 31- November 4, 2004, Seattle, WA
B. Belvitt, Mbila, M., Taylor, R., Ranatunga, T., and Shuford, J. 2004 Trace metal distribution and plant uptake in poultry litter-amended soils in north Alabama. In 2004 Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI (S11 #3550 -Poster), Annual Meetings – October 31- November 4, 2004, Seattle, WA.
M.O. Mbila. 2003. Mineral Chemistry and Charge Properties of Soils in the Cumberland Plateau Region of Alabama. In 2003 Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI (s09-mbila1350859-Poster), Annual Meetings - November 02- 06, 2003, Denver, CO.
Tazisong, I., Z.S. Senwo, and M.O. Mbila. 2003. Chemically partitioned and biologically reduced trace metals in selected Alabama soils. Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists. 100 hundredth Annual Meeting. February 02 - 04, 2003, Mobile, AL.
Class Number | Class Name | Level |
NRE 432/532 | Plant Disease Diagnosis | Undergraduate, Graduate |
NRE 562 | Plant Pathology Techniques | Graduate |
NRE 567/767 | Plant Virology | Graduate |
NRE 437/537 | Plant Tissue Culture Methods and Applications | Undergraduate, Graduate |
NRE 564 | Plant Growth and Development | Graduate |
NRE 421/521 | Plant Propagation | Undergraduate, Graduate |
BIO 571 | Plant Anatomy and Physiology | Graduate |
NRE 423/523 | Ornamentals I – Trees and Shrubs | Undergraduate, Graduate |
NRE 427/527 | Ornamentals II – Flowers and Foliage Plants | Undergraduate, Graduate |
NRE 422/522 | Landscape Design and Construction | Undergraduate, Graduate |
NRE 101 | Introduction to Plant Science | Undergraduate |