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Yong Wang Biography

Dr. Yong Wang
Agricultural Research Center, Room 145
Phone: (256) 372-4229; (256) 417-1579
Email: yong.wang@aamu.edu;wang.aamu@gmail.com


Dr. Wang is a fellow of the American Ornithological Society and a certified Senior Ecologist certified by the Ecological Society of America, and licensed master bander certified by US Geological Survey (USGS)Dr. Wang’s recent research efforts include (1) stopover ecology of migratory birds at the southern Cumberland Plateau of northern Alabama; (2) wildlife (amphibians, reptiles and birds) response to anthropogenic habitat and landscape alternations such as forest management practices and urbanization; (3) breeding distribution and biology of Cerulean Warblers and other avian species; (4) classification of  land types for forest management based on GIS, remotely sensed data and statistical models; and (5) avian and herpetofaunal biology and conservation in China.  Dr. Wang’s research has been supported by organizations or agencies such as NSF, USDA, Forest Service, EPA, State of Alabama, TNC, and private landownersDr. Wang’s students have received various scholarships and awards from agencies such as NSF, EPA, NASA, and USDA.  

  Area of Expertise and /or Research: 

Avian and herpetofaunal behavior and ecology, wildlife habitat assessment, research design and statistical analysis and modeling, and mist-netting and banding birds (USGS Licensed Master Bander).   


  • Ph. D. in Biological Sciences with a minor in Research Design and Statistics. 1993. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, USA
  • BS. Biology.  Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.  1982 


  • Hu, Q., Y. Wen , G. Yu, J. Yin, L. Lv , P. Wang , J. Xu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhange, J. Li.  2021.  Research activity does not affect nest predation rates of the Silver-throated Tit, a passerine bird building domed nests.  Avian Research 11(1) DOI:10.1186/s40657-020-00214-9. 

    Newman, B. C., W. B. Sutton, A. C. Moncayo, H. R. Hughes, A. Taheri, T. C. Moore, C. J. Schweitzer, and Y. Wang. 2020.  First Detection of Heartland Virus (Phenuiviridae: Phlebovirus) in Alabama, USA from Amblyomma americanum Ticks. Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 26, No. 8: 1954-1955. 

    Li, Y., X. Nong, Y. Wang, Y. Yang.  2020.  Transcriptome-wide identification and expression of carbohydrate-active enzyme genes in bamboo lignocellulose degradation by larvae of the bamboo snout beetle.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  Submitted: manuscript ID: jf-2019-02358g. 

    Fu, Y, Y. Wang, and Z. Zhang. 2020.  Wildlife misuse by tourism industry requires change.  Science eLetters. 26 April 2020.  https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6485/1435/tab-e-letters. 

    Tian, S., J. Xu, and Y. Wang.  2020.  Human infrastructure development drives decline in suitable habitat for Reeves’s pheasant in the Dabie Mountains in the last 20 years. Global Conservation and Ecology, Vol 20: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00940. 

    Wen, L. J. M. Antalffy, K. Messenger, W. Zhao, F. Liu, F. Zou, A. D. KS, Y. Wang. 2020.  Spatial variation in morphology of the White-browed Laughingthrush (Garrulax sannio) and its relationship with climate conditions in southern China.  Journal of Ornithology.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-020-01769-6 

    Newman, B.C., W. B. Sutton, Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, A. C. Moncayo, B. T. Miller.  2019. A standardized method for the construction of a tick drag flag sampling approach and evaluation of sampling efficacy.  Experimental and Applied Acarology:  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10493-019-00429-6 

    Sutton, W.B., Y. Wang, C. Schweitzer. 2019. Herpetofaunal responses to forest management: a synopsis of findings in oak-hardwood restoration forest stands. In: Clark, S.L.; Schweitzer, C.J., eds. Oak symposium: sustaining oak forests in the 21st century through science-based management. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-237. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 162 - 164. 

    Schweitzer, C., D. Dey, Y. Wang. 2019. White oak (Quercus alba) response to thinning and prescribed fire in northcentral Alabama mixed pine-hardwood forests. Forest Science. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxz031. 

    Zhang, X., W. Yang, W. Liang, Y. Wang, S. Zhang. 2019.  Intensity dependent disruptive effects of light at night on activation of the HPG axis of tree sparrows (Passer montanus).  Environmental Pollution 249: 904-909 

    Li, J.,  Y. Wang, L. Lv, P. Wang, B. Hatchwell, and Z. Zhang. 2019. Context-dependent strategies of food allocation among offspring in a facultative cooperative breeder. Behavioral Ecology.  https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arz037. 

    Cantrell, A. W., and Y. Wang. 2019.  Habitat Selection and Con- and Heterospecific Associations of Wintering Whooping Cranes at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop 14:35-45. 

    Messenger, K., D. Hollis, Y. Ling, Peng Xie, Y. Wang, and Changhu Lu.  2019.  A new species of the genus Megophrys Gunther, 1864 (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Mount Wuyi, China.  Zootaxa 4554 (2): 561–583. 

    Borthwick, R.R., Y. Wang, and D. Lemke. 2018. Avian responses to habitat and temporal variations in reclamation of small-scale surface coal mines of Alabama. Avian Conservation and Ecology. Submitted. 

    Tian, S., J. Xu, J. Li, Z. Zhang, and Y. Wang. 2018. Research advances of Galliformes since 1990 and future prospects.  Avian Research 9:32. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40657-018-0124-7. 

    Margenau, E., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer and B. K. Stringer. 2018. Responses of early-successional songbirds to a two-stage shelterwood harvest for oak forest regeneration.  Avian Research:  https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/s40657-018-0120-y 

    Carpenter, J. P. and Y. Wang.  2018.  Diurnal space use and nocturnal roost site selection by male Cerulean Warblers during the breeding season.  Journal of Field Ornithology. Volume 89, Issue 1: 47-63. 

    Schweitzer, C.J., D. Dey, Y. Wang. 2018. Overstory tree mortality and wounding after thinning and prescribed fire in mixed pine-hardwood stands. In: Kirschman, J.E.; Johnsen K., comps. Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-234. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 337-346. 10.1371/journal.pone.0087045  

    Lv, L., J. Li, S. A. Kingma, C Gao, Y. Wang, J. Komdeur, and Z. Zhang. 2018. Do hair-crested drongos reduce prospective territory competition by dismantling their nest after breeding? Behav Ecol Sociobiol 72: 12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-017-2422-1.    

    Chen, Y., S. Zhang, D. Huang, B. Li, J. Liu, W. Liu, J. Ma, F. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Wu, Y. Wui, J. Yan, C. Guo, W. Xin, H. Wang.  2017; The development of China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt: How to make it in a green way?  Science Bulletin http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2017.04.009 

    Jaja, N., M. Mbila, and Y. Wang.  2017.  Trace metal distribution and mobility in soils after silvicultural thinning and burning.  Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 9, No. 5.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v9n5p83  

    Gross, I. P., C. M. Ewers, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2017. Natural history note: Agkistrodon contortrix (Copperhead). Tunnel-blocking behavior. Herpetological Review. Accepted. 

    Yao, H. G. Davison, N. Wang, C. Ding and Y. Wang.  2017.  Post-breeding habitat association and occurrence of the Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, west central China.  Avian Research 8: DOI 10.1186/s40657-017-0066-5. 

    Sutton,W. B., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, C. J. W. McClure.  2017. Spatial ecology and multi-scale habitat selection of the Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) in a managed forest landscape.  Forest Ecology and Management 391: 469–481. 

    Wang, Y., and G. M. Zheng. 2017.  Editorial: Avian Research: a valuable addition to the portfolio of ornithological journals.  Avian Research 8: DOI: 10.1186/s40657-017-0062-9 

    Schweitzer, C. J., D. C. Dey, and Y. Wang. 2016.  Hardwood-pine mixedwoods stand dynamics following thinning and prescribed burning.  Fire Ecology 12: 85-103. DOI: 10.4996/fireecology.1202085.  

    Li, J., Z.  Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Lv, Z. Zhang.  2016.  No facultative manipulation of offspring sex ratio in relation to parental genetic characteristics in a bird with sex-specific heterozygosity-fitness correlation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 963-973. 

    Yu, J., P. Wang, L. Lu, Z. Zang, Y. Wang, J. Xu., J. Li., B. Xi, J. Zhu, Z. Du.  2016.  Diurnal brooding behavior of long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus glaucogularis).  Zoological Research 37: 84-89.     DOI: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.2.84. 

    Cantrell, A., L. Lv, Y. Wang, J. Li, and Z. Zhang. 2016.  Evaluation of nest site preferences of a nest dismantler, the Hair-crested Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus) in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve of central China.  Avian Research 7: DOI: 10.1186/s40657-016-0042-5. 

    Zhang, F., K. R. Messenger, and Y. Wang. 2015. Relationship between nest defense behaviours and reproductive benefits in Chinese alligators. Amphibia-Reptilia 36(2): 141-147. 

    Zhang, F., J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, K. R. Messenger, and Y. Wang. 2015. Antipredator behavioral responses of native and exotic tadpoles to novel predator. Asian Herpetological Research 6(1):51-58. 

    Borthwick, R., and Y. Wang. 2015. Bird species’ responses to post mine reclamation in Alabama – a preliminary analysis.  Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation 4: 1-19. 

    Li, J., Z.  Zhang, Y. Wang, C. Gao, J. Xu, B. Xi, J. Zhu., and Z. Du.  2015.  The sex ratio of orange-flanked bush-robins from a winter population in central China.  Natural History: DOI:10.1080/00222933.2015.1105318.  

    Wen, L. Y., Y. Wang, Y. Q. Fu, and B. Dai. 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome of the white-browed laughingthrush Garrulax sannio (Passeriformes: Leiothrichidae). Mitochondrial DNA. DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1106525. 

    Messenger, K. R. and Y.  Wang. 2015.  Notes on the natural history and morphology of the Ningshan Lined Snake (Stichophanes ningshaanensis Yuen, 1983; Ophidia: Colubridae) and its distribution in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China.  Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 9(2) [General Section]: 111–119 (e103). 

    Li, J., Z. Zhang, L. Lv, Y. Wang.  2015.  Roles of phenotypic and genetic characteristics in the social mating pattern of Silver-Throated Tits (Aegithalos glaucogularis). Journal of Ornithology 156: 687-697. 

    Wen, L., H. He, Y. Wang, J. Gorimar, and M. Liu. 2014. Potential effects of climate change on the Chinese Bulbul (Pycnontus sinensis) in China.  Biologia 69(11): 1625-1630. 

    Sutton, W., H. A. Czech, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer 2014.  New records of amphibians and reptiles from Alabama, USA. Herpetological Review 45(2): 293-294. 

    Wang, Y., and G. M. Zheng. 2014.  Editorial: Avian Research. Journal of Avian Research. 5:1. http://www.avianres.com/content/5/1/1  

    Wang, Y., E. Moss, and L. Gardner. 2014. Proceedings of the student research and trip reports. Published by the Center of Forest Ecosystem Assessment, Alabama A&M University. 266p. 

    Cantrell, A., L. Lei, Y. Wang, Z. W. Zhang, and J. Q. Li. 2014.  Ectoparasites and other invertebrates in the nests of the Hair-crested Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus).  Chinese Birds 4:314-318. 

    Choi, C., X. Gan, N. Hua, Y. Wang, Z. Ma.  2014. The habitat use and home range analysis of Dunlin (Calidris alpina) in Chongming Dongtan, China and their conservation implications.  Wetlands 34: 255-266.  

    Li, J., Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang.  2014.  Extra-pair paternity in two sympatric Aegithalos tits: patterns and implications.  Journal of Ornithology 155: 83-90. 

    Li, J., Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang.  2014.  Do parents and helpers discriminate between related and unrelated nestlings in the cooperative breeding silver-throated tit?  Ethology, Ethology 120: 159–168. 

    Zeng, Y., J. Xu, Y. Wang, C. Zhou.  2013.  Habitat Association and Conservation Implications of Endangered Francois’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi).  PlosOne.  DOI: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0075661. 

    Lemke, D., C. J. Schweitzer, W. Tadesse, Y. Wang, and J. A. Brown. 2013. Geospatial Assessment of Invasive Plants on Reclaimed Mines in Alabama. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6: 401-410.  (doi: 10.1614/IPSM-D-12-00045.1) 

    Sutton, W., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, and D. A. Steen. 2013.  Lizard microhabitat and microclimate relationships in south-eastern pine-hardwood forests managed with prescribed burning and thinning.  Forest Science 60(1), http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/forsci.11-076 

    Sutton, W., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2013.  Amphibian and reptile responses to thinning and prescribed burning in mixed pine-hardwood forests of northwestern Alabama, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 295: 213–227. 

    Cantrell, A., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, C.H. Greenberg. 2013.  Short-term response of herpetofauna to oak regeneration treatments on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of southern Tennessee.  Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 295: 239–247. 

    Wang, Y. 2012. Migration and Navigation. A book chapter in Ornithology (G. Zheng editor).  Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. Beijing, China.  

    Lemke, D., C. J. Schweitzer, I.A. Tazisong, Y. Wang and J.A. Brown. 2012. Invasion of a Mined Landscape: what habitat characteristics are influencing the occurrence of invasive plants? International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment: 2012, 1–19, iFirst article.  

    Wang, Y., J. Xu, J. P. Carpenter, Z. Zhang, and G. Zheng.  2012. Information-theoretic model selection affects home-range estimation and habitat preference inference: a case study of male Reeves’s Pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii.  Ibis 154: 273-284.   

    Wang, Y.,Z. Zhang, G. Zheng, J. Li, J. Xu, Z. Ma, A. L. Biancucci. 2012.  Ornithological research: past twenty years and future perspectives in China.  Biodiversity Sciences 20: 119-137.    

    Li, J., L. Lv , Y. Wang, B. Xi, and Z. Zhang.  2012.  Breeding biology of two sympatric Aegithalos tits with helpers at the nest.  Journal of Ornithology 153: 273-283.  

    Kaunda-Bukenya, N., W. Takesse, T. Tsegaye, C. Wilson, and Y. Wang. 2012.  A comparative evaluation of event mean concentrations for stormwater pollutants in Huntsville, Alabama.  Journal of Alabama Academy of Science 83: 152-170. 

    Yin, Q., Z. Felix, Y. Wang, Hajun Gu, and Y. Z. Wang. 2011. Postbreeding movement and habitat use of the plateau brown frog, Rana kukunoris, in a high-elevation wetland.  Journal of Herpetology 45: 421-427. 

    Cantrell, A. W., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2011. New County Records from Grundy County, Tennessee on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of Southern Tennessee, USA.  Herpetology Review 42: 403 

    Xu, J. L., Z. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, and J. W. Connelly. 2011.  Spatial-temporal responses of male Reeves’s Pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii to forest edges in the Dabie Mountains, central China.  Journal of Wildlife Biology 17:16-24.  

    Carpenter, J. P., Y. Wang, C. Schweitzer, and P. Hamel. 2011. Avian community and microhabitat associations of Cerulean Warblers in Alabama. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:206-217. 

    Wang, N., Z. Liu, Z. Xu, W. Zhang, Y. Lu, S. Fan, Y. Wang, and L. Zhou. 2011. Gray correlation analysis of the naturalness of the primary forest types on Losses Plateau. Acta Ecologia Sinica 31: 316~325. 

    Li, S., Y. Wang, and E. Moss. 2010. The effectiveness of the REU program among novice undergraduates.  The Business Review 16: 334-339. 

    Li, J., N. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Lin, Q. Li, Y. Liu, X. Ruan, J. Zhu, B. Xi, and Z. Zhang. 2010. Sexual size dimorphism and sex identification using morphological traits of two Aegithalidae species.  Zoological Science 27: 946-951. 

    Sutton, W. B., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2010. Habitat Relationships of Reptile Community in Pine-Hardwood Forests of Alabama, U.S.A. with Guidelines for a Modified Drift-Fence Sampling Method.  Current Zoology 56: 411-420. 

    Wen, L., T. Chen, M. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Duan, L. An, Q. Jian, and R. Peng.  2010. Seasonal?changes?in?anthocyanin?contents?and?in?activities?of?xanthophyll?and?ascorbate glutathione?cycles?in Sabina?species?derived?from?different?environments. Acta?Physiologiae?Plantarum 32: 801-808.   

    Gan, X., C. Choi, Y. Wang, Z Ma, J. Chen, and B. Li. 2010. Alteration of habitat and food resources by invasive smooth cordgrass affects habitat use by wintering saltmarsh birds at Chongming Dongtan of east China.  The Auk 127:317?327. 

    Felix, Z., L. J. Gatens, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2010. First Records of the Smoky Shrew (Sorex fumeus) in Alabama.  Southeastern Naturalist 8:750-753.  

    Felix, Z., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer.  2010.  Experimental canopy manipulation affects amphibian reproductive dynamics in the Cumberland Plateau of Alabama.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:496–503. 

    Xu, J. L., X. H. Zhang, Q. H. Sun, Z. W. Zhang, and Y. Wang. 2009.  Home range, daily movements and site fidelity of male Reeves’s pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii in the Dabie Mountains, central China.  Journal of Wildlife Biology 15: 338-344.  

    Sutton, W.B., M.G. Bolus, and Y. Wang. 2009. Lampropeltis getula nigra (Eastern Black Kingsnake). Ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 40: 231. 

    Ma, Z. J., Y. Wang, X.J. Gan, B. Li, K. Jing, S. M. Tang, and J. K. Chen.  2009. Change and loss of wetland habitats and waterbird population trends at Chongming Dongtan of the Yangtze River estuary, China.  Environmental Management 43:1187-1200. 

    Li, J. Q., S. T. Lin, Y. Wang, Z. W. Zhang.  2009.  Nest-dismantling behavior of the hair-crested drongo in central China: an adaptive behavior for increasing fitness?  Condor 111: 197-201. 

    Gyawali, B., R. Fraser, J. Schelhas, W. Tadesse, Y. Wang, and J. Bukenya.  2009.  Human Well-being and Land Cover Types in the Forest-Dependent Region of Southern United States: Evidence from Census and Satellite Imagery Data.  Journal of Ecology & Development 14: 81-94. 

    Wang, Y. and N. J. Wang. 2008.  Translation of the Chinese Edition of the Conservation Buffers: Design Guidelines.   USDA Forest Service, Center of Agroforestry.  118 p.  

    Felix, Z., Y. Wang, H. Czech, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2008.  Abundance of juvenile Eastern Box Turtles in managed forest stands.  Chelonian Conservation Biology 7: 128-130.  

    Stone, W. and Y Wang. 2008.  An innovative wildlife program for minority students.  The Wildlife Professional 1: 36-37. 

    Chen, X. W., and Y. Wang.  2007.  Spatial Pattern of Herpetofauna in Alabama, USA. Acta Herpetological 2: 97-115.   

    Qi, Y.,  Z. Felix, Qiang D., Y. Wang, B. Wang, Y. Yang, and Y. Wang. 2007. Post-breeding movements, home range, and microhabitat use of plateau brown frogs, Rana kukunoris, in Zoige Alpine Wetland, China. Acta Zoologica Sinica 53: 974-981. 

    Qi., Y.  Z. Felix, D. Qiang, Y. Wang, L.Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Wang. 2007. Summer and autumn activity of Rana kukunorisaround a seasonal pond in the Zoige alpine peatland. Zoological Research 28: 526-530. 

    Deng, H., Z. W. Zhang, C. Y. Chang, Y. Wang.  2007.  Trace metal concentration in Great Tit(Parus major) and Greenfinch(Carduelis sinica) at the Western Mountains of Beijing, China.  Environmental Pollution 148: 620-626.   

    Wang, Y., A. A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2006.  Initial response of an avian community to silvicultural treatments in the southern Cumberland Plateau, Alabama, USA.  Integrative Zoology 3: 126-129. 

    Wang, Y., J. C. Chang, F. R. Moore, L. Y. Su, L. M. Cui, and X. F. Yang.  2006. Stopover ecology of red-flanked bush robin at Maoershan of northeast China.  Acta Ecologia Sinica 26:638-646.   

    Ma, Z J., Y. Wang, and J. K. Chen.  2005. Physiological ecology of migratory birds during the stopover periods.  Acta Ecologia Sinica 25: 3067-3075. 

    Carpenter, J. P., E. C. Soehren, A. A. Lesak, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2005.  Status of the Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulean) in northern Alabama, 1999-2004. Alabama Birdlife 51:1-11. 

    Wang, Y., and F. R. Moore.  2005.  Long-distance bird migrants adjust their foraging behavior in relation to energy stores.  Acta Zoologica Sinica 51: 12-23. 

    Pacumbaba, R. P., C. Beyl, R. O. Pacumbaba, Jr., and Y. Wang.  2004.  Effect of mushroom leachates on bacterial growth and symptom development of bacterial wilts of tomato and beans.  B&C Test 19:PTO12. 

    Lesak, A. A., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer.  2004.  Songbird community variation among five levels of overstory retention in Northern Alabama.  Page 11-17 in Connor, K. F. ed.  Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference.  General Technical Report SRS-71.  Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.   

    Schweitzer, C. J., D. L. Loftis, Y. Wang, and G. C. Janzen.  2004.  Regeneration potential on selected forested stands on the Cumberland plateau of North Alabama. Page 269-274.  In Spetich, M. A. ed.  Upland oak ecology symposium: the history, current conditions, and sustainability.  General Technical Report SRS-73. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service.   

    Wang, Y., A. A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. J. Schwitzer. 2004.  Response of avian community to the forest regeneration treatments in oak-hickory forest of the southern Cumberland Plateau, USA. Page 483-485 in Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Zoology. 

    Tazisong, I. A., Z. N. Senwo, R. W. Taylor, M. O. Mbila, and Y. Wang.  2004.  Concentration and distribution of iron and manganese fractions in Alabama Ultisols.  Soil Science 169:489-496. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  2002. Stopover ecology of landbirds migrating along the middle Rio Grande in spring and fall.  Gen. Tech. Rep.  RMRS-GTR-99.  Ogden, UT: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  52p. 

    Pacumbaba, R. P., C. A. Beyl, R. O. Pacumbaba, Jr., and Y. Wang.  2002.  Leachates from the mycelia of maitake, oyster, and reishi mushrooms inhibit growth of bacteria in the laboratory.  Phytopathology 92:S151. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  2002.  Consistency of mist-netting and survey during landbird migration.  Condor 104:59-72.  

    Golet, F. C., Y. Wang, J. S. Merrow, and W. R. DeRangon.  2001.  Effect of habitat and landscape features on the avian community of red maple swamps in southern Rhode Island. Wilson Bulletin 113:217-227.   

    Wang, Y. 2001.  Selected SAS Documentation for SPS539: SAS Programming Volume 1, 1st edition.  SAS Intuition. Cary, NC. 

    Wang, Y. 2001.  Selected SAS Documentation for SPS539: SAS Programming Volume 2, 1st edition.  SAS Intuition. Cary, NC. 

    Kelly, J. F., D. M. Finch, and Y. Wang.  2000.  Vegetative associations of wood warblers migrating along Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 45: 159-168. 

    1. Amador, Y. Wang, M. C. Savin, and J. H. Gorres.  2000.  Small-scale variability of soil properties.  Geoderma 98:83-94. 

    Evans Mack, D., and Y. Wang.  2000.  Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus).  In The Birds of North America, No. 540 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.).  The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.  

    Finch, D. M. and Y. Wang.  2000.  Landbird migration in riparian habitats of the Middle Rio Grande -- a case study.  Studies in Avian Biology 20:88-98. 

    Kelly, J. F., R. Smith, D. M. Finch, F. R. Moore, and Y. Wang.  1999.  Influence of summer biogeography on wood warbler stopover abundance.  Condor 101:76-85. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  1999. Response to Hubbard on the willow flycatcher migration.  Wilson Bulletin 111:589-592. 

    Wang, Y., D. M. Finch, F. R. Moore, and J. Kelly.  1998.  Stopover ecology and habitat use of migratory Wilson's Warbler.  Auk 115:829-842. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  1997.  Population trends of migratory landbirds along the middle Rio Grande.  Southwestern Naturalist 42:137-147. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  1997.  Migration of Willow Flycatcher along the middle Rio Grande. Wilson Bulletin 109:253-268. 

    Wang, Y., and F. R. Moore.  1997.  Spring stopover of intercontinental migratory thrushes along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  Auk 114:263-278. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  1997.  A partly albino Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla).  NMOS Bulletin 25:3-5. 

    Raish, R, Y. Wang, and J. M. Marzluff. 1997.  Contemporary Human use of southwestern ponderosa pine forests.  Page 28-42 In W. M. Block and D. M. Finch (Eds.), Songbirds ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review.   General Technical Report, RM-GTR-292.  USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 

    1. M. Finch, J. L. Ganey, Y. Wang, R. T. Kimball, and R. Sallabanks.  1997.  Effects and interactions of fire, logging, and grazing.  Page 103-136 In W. M. Block and D. M. Finch (Eds.), Songbirds ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review.   General Technical Report, RM-GTR-292.  USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch. 1996.  Landbird species composition and relative abundance during migration along the Middle Rio. Page 77-92 In D.W. Shaw and D. M. Finch (Eds.), Desired Future Conditions for Southwestern Riparian Ecosystems: Bringing Interests and Concerns Together.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-272.  USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch 1996.  Sparrow migration along a river corridor in desert grassland.  Pp.64-72 In D. M. Finch (Ed), Ecosystem disturbance and wildlife conservation in western grasslands.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-285.  USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 

    Wang, Y., and D. M. Finch.  1995.  Population status of landbird migrants in New Mexico and the factors affecting population trends.  New Mexico Ornithological Society Bulletin 23:52. 

    Wang, Y., D. M. Finch, and S. W. Cox. 1995.  Landbird migration along the Middle Rio Grande: summary of banding data from spring and fall 1994. New Mexico Ornithological Society Bulletin 23:64-77. 

    Finch, D. M., G. L. Wolter, Y. Wang, and M. J. Mund.  1995.  Plants, arthropods, and birds of the Rio Grande.  In D. M. Finch and J. A. Tainter (Editors), Ecology and Sustainability of Middle Rio Grande Basin Ecosystems. General Technical Report RM-GTR-268:133-164.  USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 

    Bodner, G. R., Y. Wang, and D. M. Finch.  1995.  Short-term weather effects on fall migration patterns. New Mexico Ornithological Society Bulletin 23:53. 

    Wang, Y., and F. R. Moore. 1994.  Flight morphology, energetic condition, and the stopover biology of migrating thrushes.  Auk 111:683-692. 

    Wang, Y., and F. R. Moore. 1993.  Diurnal and nocturnal activity pattern and their relationship to the energetic condition of spring migrating thrushes.  Condor 95:934-943. 

    Wang, Y. 1993.  Stopover ecology of spring intercontinental migratory thrushes along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS.  

    Gobris, N. and Y. Wang.  1993. Breeding records of Worm-eating Warbler and Scarlet Tanager from Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge.  Orioles 58:4-6. 

    Moore, F. R., and Y. Wang.  1991.  Evidence of food-based competition among passerine migrants during stopover.  Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 28:85-90. 

    Cardiff, S. W., D. E. Loria, and Y. Wang.  1991.  First Louisiana and easternmost United States record of Hooded Oriole.  J. Louisiana Ornithology 1:49-53. 

    Wang, Y., and F. R. Moore.  1990. "Foot-quivering" as a foraging maneuver among migrating Catharus thrushes.  Wilson Bulletin 102:542-545. 

    Wang, Y.  1982.  An investigation of flora and its ecological function on the Chongming Island. In: Collection of Best B.S. Theses, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, P. R. China. 

Class Number Class Name Level
NRE 430, NRE 529 Biostatistics Undergraduate, Graduate
MTH 530 Principles of Experimentation Graduate
NRE 536 Regression Analysis Graduate
NRE 539 SAS Programming Graduate
NRE 730 Applied Multivariate Analysis Graduate
NRE 731 Advances in Ecological Research Graduate

Contact Us

Forestry, Ecology, and Wildlife Program, ARC - Rm 145
256-372-4229; 265-417-1579
Agricultural Research Center, Room 145
Dr. Yong Wang
Professor of Wildlife Ecology /Biostatistics