Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment
The Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment (CFEA) at Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama, is a Center of Research Excellence
in Science and Technology (CREST), a National Science Foundation (NSF) program. NSF,
through the CREST program, provides resources for minority-serving research institutions and acts as a catalyst
for the development of education and research in ecology on the Cumberland Plateau.

Our Mission
Our mission is four-tiered.
- To train students (both undergraduate and graduate levels), especially those underrepresented in the STEM fields, in a variety of ecology-based research;
- To conduct state-of-the-art research in forest and watershed ecosystems of the southern Cumberland Plateau region;
- To improve the infrastructure of our research facilities; and
- To contribute relevant data to policy and conservation management of the Cumberland
Plateau’s natural resources.
About Us
This is a Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology, funded through the National Science Foundatio?n? (grant # 1036600). ??
CFEA’s research mission emphasizes the inter- and trans-disciplinary synergies and the ecosystem complexities of forests. Focusing primarily (but not exclusively) on the Cumberland Plateau / Ridge-and-Valley of Alabama and Tennesee, we are investigating the complex ecosystem responses on multiple temporal scales from immediate response (short-term) to long-term, and spatial scale from an individual’s genetic make-up to landscape patterns and processes.
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