Financial Disclosure Report
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter search criteria below, then SUBMIT the form. You may search using partial names or check numbers, or any combination of criteria; all search fields are optional.
Payee names are stored with last name first (with a comma between last name and first name) in the database. So to search for a full name of an individual, use DOE, JOHN. You may also do a search on a partial name if you are unsure of the full name or spelling. A search for DO for example will return every person or company with that letter combination somewhere in their name (e.g. John Doe, Adobe Inc, etc)
You can do a search for a partial check number if you do not know the whole number. For security reasons, check numbers are partially redacted in the displayed output, but you can search by the whole number (if available).
Expenditure category includes things such as Supplies, Travel, Utilities, Contractual Services, etc.
New fiscal years begin October 1. To search by normal (calendar) year, try searching by check date year.