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Telephone Service

ITS provides University telephone services to all faculty and staff and includes campus, local, and long distance calling services, as well as voice-mail services.

Telephone Services for Faculty & Staff

The Mitel phone system at AAMU is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system available in faculty and staff offices. This system connects through the campus network and has many new and helpful features that will aid you in your daily communications needs.

User guides, videos, and other training materials are posted on the VOIP Services page to help all faculty and staff members get started.

Mobile Technology Services and Support

ITS provides support to departments in all areas of mobile technology.  Services include:

- Consultation for the selection of mobile devices and cost effective service plans
- Loan programs that provide smartphones and data cards to faculty and staff for business travel, Conferencing Services, and Support

Conference Calling Services

ITS can also provide support for conferencing services to the University community.