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For Faculty

Faculty can easily identify which students need additional help, and they can use GradesFirst to send an alert on a student who may need additional support and/or resources to be successful in the course or during the semester.

A notification will automatically be sent to both the student and advisor(s), who can then assist students with additional support, tutoring, or referrals. By monitoring these students through GradesFirst, we are ensuring that students are supported by a network of caring professionals who are alerted if a student may need academic help.

GradesFirst seeks to promote academic success for students by:

  • Providing students with timely support and direction to appropriate campus resources
  • Encouraging students to utilize campus resources, such as the Tutorial Assistance Network (TAN)
  • Encouraging students to communicate with professors about their class performance
  • Providing students with the opportunity to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to discuss their concerns and course selections.
  • Providing easy access to students to view their midterm and final course grades
  • Making the college transition process more enjoyable by providing a student support system for academic success

What GradesFirst Can Do for You

  • Enhanced Alert System to identify students at-risk of failing your courses early in the semester.
  • Tracking of specific groups, such as freshmen, Normalite Scholarship students, Greek organization members, honor students, student-athletes, band students, etc.
  • Take attendance in class and have automatic alert emails sent to students who have exceeded the number of excused absences.

Since many faculty members advise students, you might have two roles on GradesFirst: Professor and Advisor. This guide is if you are only a faculty or staff instructor. (Guide coming soon.)

GradesFirst Technical Support

Dawn K. Miles
