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Door Decorating Contest

The Homecoming Door Decorating Contest allows Faculty and Staff the opportunity to decorate their departmental door based on the theme: Channel 1875.



Participation: 15 Points

Use of Theme: 20 Points

Use of AAMU Spirit: 15 Points

Creativity and Originality: 25 Points

Overall Appearance: 25 Points

Total Points: 100 Points



  1. Departments participating in this competition must decorate the main door of their department. Only ONE door can be decorated to represent the entire department. You may decorate other areas, however, only the door will be judged.
  2. Doors must be decorated to show AAMU spirit and incorporate the overall theme. Doors will be judged for use of the theme, overall appearance, creativity, and originality.
  3. Each participating department will receive 15 points for participation. 85 points are available at the discretion of the judges based on theme, appearance, and originality. Any office could potentially receive 100 points.
  4. Registration closes at 5:00p.m. on Wednesday, October 1st.
  5. Doors must be decorated by Monday, October 7th. Judges will stop by unannounced between Tuesday, October 8th-Thursday, October 10th.
