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Presentation of New Members

All organizations must adhere to the following guidelines when presenting new members to the campus community: 

  1. Presentation of new members must take place no more than 7 calendar days after the members have been initiated into the organization. Request for extended time must be approved by the Office of Student Activities.
  2. Guidelines for new member presentation/probate:
  1. The Office of Student Activities must be notified of the date, time, and location of the “show” no less than one week in advance.
  2. A copy of the reservation confirmation notice must be submitted to the Director and/or Program Coordinator for Student Activities (must include both the primary location and rain location)
  3. No explicit or revealing attire is to be worn by the new members or other “show” participants.
  4. No profanity.
  5. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted. This includes by visiting chapters, alumni and/or graduate members.
  6. No physical abuse will be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: slapping, kicking, spitting, punching, pushing, poking, caning, etc. (Canes, staffs, sticks, etc. may be used as a part of the performance but may not be used as a weapon to harm another individual)
  7. In the event of an altercation during the presentation, then those fighting will be disciplined immediately. If a member of the presenting organization is involved, the presentation show will be stopped immediately. (See Violations section for further details)
  8. No references to hazing and/or other illegal activities.
  9. Disruptions by other attending organizations will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: walking through the presenters’ show, talking over the presenting organization, etc.
  10. If a new member decides that they cannot, or decides not to participate in the show, a written and signed letter by the new member must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities no more than 72 hours before the show explaining why they cannot, or have decided not to participate.
  11. No blatant skipping of numbers will be allowed. (ex: 1,2,4,5, etc.)
  12. The duration of the presentation show should be no longer than 2 hours total. Shows may not be scheduled to begin after 9:00pm and must start within 15 minutes of scheduled time advertised. Following the show, members of the presenting organization must vacate the area within 30 minutes. (This will help with crowd disbursement.) The presenting organization will be responsible for ensuring the site used is left in its original state after use.
  13. At least (2) chapter advisors (on-campus or off-campus) MUST be in attendance at all New Member Presentations.
  14. No Bricks, bats, and/or paddles will be allowed at any new member presentations.
  15. It is the chapter responsibility to notify visiting and alumni members of all Alabama A&M University’s New Member Presentation rules.
  16. If a New Member Presentation does not occur, new members must be presented in some formal way (reception, tweet, email, flyer, Instagram, etc.) acknowledging all new members.