威廉希尔官网al Review Board
The University recognizes an inherent obligation to insure that the rights and well-being of persons who serve as subjects in research conducted under its auspice are adequately protected. In the matter of protection of human subjects, the University relies on the good judgment of its faculty and administration augmented by a special review committee, the Human Subjects 威廉希尔官网al Review Board (HSIRB). The University calls for a posture of heightened sensitivity and special scrutiny on the part of the initiators of any project and of their immediate supervisors as the primary agents of the University in these matters.
Committee Members
- Patricia Brooks, Grants Administrator, Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- James O. Bukenya, Ph.D., Office of Research Compliance (Co-Chair).
- Sam Choi, Ph.D., Social Work
- Lamin Kassama, Ph.D., Food Sciences.
- Florence Okafor, Ph.D. (Non-Affiliated Member).
- Dorothy Rombo, Ph.D., Human Development (SUNY) Non-Affiliated Member).
- Gernerique Stewart, Ph.D., Chemistry.
- Venkateswara Rao Sripathi, Ph.D., Biological & Environmental Sciences.
- Daniel Upchurch, Ph.D., Psychology (Non-Affiliated Member).
- Martha Verghese, Ph.D., Food & Animal Sciences.
- Brandan Wheeler, Ph.D., Human Development.
- Raziq Yaqub, Ph.D., Engineering.
- Tianxi Zhang, Ph.D., Physics.
Useful Resources
- IRB Decision Tree
- IRB Application Form
- IRB Application for Students
- IRB Continuation Form
- IRB ReviewProcess
- Submission of Research Site Letters
- Data Security
For more information please contact the IRB Chair:
Office Phone: (256) 372-5729
Email: research.compliance@aamu.edu
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