Enhance AAMU's Distinctiveness and Competitiveness
The Strategic Priority 1 Objectives are as follows:
By 2023, evidence and maintain compliance with relevant SACSCOC core requirements
and standards regarding implementation of academic program assessment plans and utilization
of results for continuous improvement for each academic degree program.
Maintain an enrollment of at least 6,000 students through 2023.
Increase retention rate by 1 percentage point each year, from 61 percent to 64 percent
by 2023
Increase graduation rate to 30 percent, or by 1 percentage point each year, by 2023.
By 2023, sustain current programs and gain approval at all requisite levels and implement
at least three (3) academic degree programs fully online (with at least one (1) developed
per year), while ensuring that all online courses and programs are reviewed and certified
each academic year.
The Strategic Priority 1 Implementation Strategies are as follows:
Establish multiple incentives and rewards to escalate the pursuit of excellence. Provide
incentives for faculty, staff, and students to be aggressively engaged in research
and other scholarly activities.
Provide greater support for faculty development opportunities to enhance innovative
instructional methods, course design, and curricular development.
Engage all undergraduate students in experiential learning early in their careers
at AAMU, through involvement in research, study abroad programs, service learning,
internships, and other hands-on experiences appropriate to their curricula.
Establish discipline appropriate start-up packages (including equipment/supplies and
travel funds, research time release, teaching/research assistant support, etc.) to
attract and retain outstanding faculty.
Establish faculty incentives and reward structure, including development grants, load
reduction, and promotion and tenure recognition to encourage the use of technology
in the learning environment.
Review academic programs to identify those that have low productivity or low priority
or are unnecessarily redundant. Also, convert selected degree programs to online format.
Recruit, enroll, and retain an academically well-prepared and diverse student body.
Enhance co-curricular and extracurricular programs for the holistic education of students.
Expand study abroad opportunities for students and research and teaching opportunities
for faculty through agreements and joint programs with foreign universities.
Provide up-to-date facilities and infrastructure to enhance academic, co-curricular,
and extracurricular programs.
Build on AAMU’s strong STEM foundation by adding interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary
STEM offerings across schools and academic departments.