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Dr. Rajpal Singh Sirohi



Research Interests?Optics, Optical Instrumentation, Laser Applications, Optical Metrology

Office: 141 V. M. Chambers Bld.
Phone: (256) 372-8131
E-Mail: rajpal.sirohi@aamu.edu


Out of 21 awards received a few are listed below

  1. Vikram Award by SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering) USA (2014)
  2. ?Distinguished Alumni Award by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India (2013)
  3. Gabor Award by SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering) USA (2009)
  4. Life-Time Achievement Award by Optical Society of India (2007)
  5. Sir C. V. Raman Birth Centenary Award by Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (2005)
  6. Padma Shri, a National Civilian Award by Government of India (2004)
  7. Albert Einstein Silver Medal by UNESCO (2000)
  8. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Award in Engineering & Technology by MP Council of Science and Technology (2000)
  9. Galileo Galilei Award of International Commission for Optics (1995)
  10. Humboldt Research Award by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (1995)?



Out of 14 books authored, co-authored and edited, a few are listed below:

  1. Introduction to Optical Metrology, Rajpal Singh Sirohi, Taylor and Francis /CRC Press, USA, 2015
  2. Optical Methods of Measurement: Whole-field Techniques, Second edition, R. S. Sirohi, Taylor and Francis /CRC Press, USA, 2009
  3. Speckle Metrology, Ed. R. S. Sirohi, Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA, 1993
  4. Wave Optics and Applications, R. S. Sirohi, Orient Longman, India, 1993
  5. Optical Components, Systems and Measurement Techniques, R. S. Sirohi and M. P. Kothiyal, Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA, 1991
  6. A Course of Experiments with He-Ne Laser, R. S. Sirohi, Wiley Eastern Publishers, Ltd. 1985, 1991
  7. Mechanical Measurements, R. S. Sirohi and H. C. Radhakrishna, Wiley Eastern Publishers, Ltd. 1983, 1989, 1995



                              Journals                           245

                              Proceedings                      72

 Academic Distinctions/Fellowships

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow 1974-'75

Fellow, The Optical Society of India since 1985

Fellow, The Optical Society of America since 1987

Fellow, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering since 1994

Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering since 1998

Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India since 2002

Fellow, Instrument Society of India since 2011


 Current Professional Activities

Senior Editor, Optical Engineering published by SPIE

Series Editor of a Series on Advances in Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics, IoP Publishing, UK