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Dr. A. R. Winebarger

Research Interests

Solar, space and stellar physics


Office: 121 V. M. Chambers Bld.
Phone: (256) 372-8129
E-Mail: winebarger@physics.aamu.edu

Recent Publications

  1. Winebarger, A. R. and Warren, H. P., Cooling Active Region Loops Observed With SXT and TRACE, Astrophysical Journal 626, 543-550 (2005)
  2. Winebarger, A. R. and Warren, H. P., Can TRACE Extreme-Ultraviolet Observations of Cooling Coronal Loops Be Used to Determine the Heating Parameters?, Astrophysical Journal, 610, L129 (2004)
  3. Winebarger, A. R., Energetic Implications of Transient Dynamic Events, SOHO 13 'Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transients Events in the Solar Atmosphere: A Joint View from SOHO and TRACE', held 29 September - 3 October 2003 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Compiled by H. Lacoste. ESA SP-547. Noordwijk, the Netherlands: European Space Agency, 223 (2004)
  4. Winebarger, A.R., Warren, H.P., and Mariska, J.T., TRACE and SXT Active Region Loops Observations: Comparisons with Static Solutions of the Hydrodynamic Equations, ApJ, 587, 439 (2003)
  5. Winebarger, A.R., Warren, H.P., and Seaton, D.B., Evolving Active Region Loops Observed With the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer: I. Observations, ApJ, 593, 1164 (2003)
  6. Warren, H.P., Winebarger, A.R., and Mariska, J.T.., Evolving Active Region Loops Observed With the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer: II. Hydrodynamic Modeling, ApJ, 593, 1174 (2003)
  7. Aschwanden, M.J., Schrijver, C.J., Winebarger, A.R., and Warren, H.P., A New Method to Constrain the Iron Abundance from Cooling Delays in Coronal Loops, ApJ, 588, L49 (2003)
  8. Winebarger, A.R., Updike, A.C., and Reeves, K.K., Correlating Transition Region Explosive Events with Extreme-Ultraviolet Brightenings, ApJ, 570, L105 (2002)
  9. Winebarger, A.R., Warren, H.P., van Ballegooijen, A., DeLuca, E.E., and Golub, L.,Steady Flows Detected in Extreme-Ultraviolet Loops, ApJ, 567, L89 (2002)
  10. Winebarger, A.R., Emslie, A.G., Mariska, J.T., and Warren, H.P., Energetics of Explosive Events Observed with SUMER, ApJ, 565, 1298 (2002)