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International Students

August 28, 2020

Download COVID-19 FAQs for International Students

August 5, 2020

International Students COVID-19 Campus Return Protocol

We are looking forward to the Fall 2020 semester! This communication is to provide information about what is expected of you prior to coming to campus, and throughout the semester. As you prepare your arrival to campus, please note the following important points:

Download International Students COVID-19 Campus Return Protocol

  1. 14-day Quarantine Requirement: All students arriving to the United States through international travel are required to quarantine for 14 days once they arrive to the United States. International students who did not travel abroad and are currently in the United States are not required to quarantine. Please note that you are responsible for your lodging during the quarantine period. The University will not provide lodging for the 14-day quarantine.
  2. COVID-19 Testing Requirement: All students are required to test for COVID-19 and to present a negative test result before reporting to campus for Fall 2020. Testing must be administered within the United States, but not necessarily in the state of Alabama. Attached is correspondence which was sent to all students by the Vice President of Student Affairs on July 27, 2020, for your review and information.
  3. Testing Options: All students are required to test for COVID-19 before reporting to campus for residence hall move-in and for classes and have the option to test on campus or test at a private site. If testing at a private site, please have your test results sent to studenthealth@aamu.edu.
  4. Negative Result Requirement: A negative test result is required in order receive clearance to move into your residence hall and/or attend classes.
  5. Unable to return to campus with Positive Result: If you test positive for COVID-19, you will not be allowed on campus. Those who test positive should self-isolate and have medical clearance from a health care provider prior to returning to Alabama A&M University. Medical clearance documentation can be sent to studenthealth@aamu.edu.
  6. Responsible for own lodging during self-isolation: Again, you are responsible for your lodging during the self-isolation period.
  7. Have an Emergency Plan: Please have a personal emergency plan in place should the need arise for the university to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  8. Arrival to AAMU: Once you arrive to campus;
    • Face coverings are required on campus in shared spaces (classrooms, labs, offices, residential halls, common areas such as laundry rooms, elevators and hallways, etc.). The University will provide one reusable face covering and you may bring additional face coverings in the colors maroon, white and/or gray;
    • Continue to follow university and the CDC guidelines;
    • Practice six-feet physical distancing;
    • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer as needed;
    • Complete AAMU Healthcheck daily.
  9. Additional Information: For additional information regarding the Campus Re- Engagement Plan and COVID-19 protocol, please visit to 威廉希尔官网 tab on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your DSO for guidance.

Students whose last names begin with M-Z:
Dr. Pamela Little, DSO, Executive Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs pamela.little@aamu.edu

Students whose last names begin with A-L:
Michele Wesson, DSO, michele.wesson@aamu.edu, 256-372-8164

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