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Programs of Study

Graduate programs

Each graduate student is required to prepare a program of study in consultation with his or her major advisor.  Completed programs of study must be received from each student by the start of the second semester of enrollment.  Students who do not file a program of study within the specified deadline will not be allowed to register for the next term.  Programs of study must include a detailed listing of the available options within each student's area of emphasis.  Only under extreme circumstances and with adequate justification should changes be made to programs of study. All changes to programs of studies must have the approval of the student advisor, Graduate Coordinator, Department Chairperson and the Dean of the respective school.  

All changes in the planned degree program must be made at least one semester prior to the student's application for graduation.  Under no circumstances should a change in the program of study be requested for failing a required course.  (AAMU Graduate Catalog, 2023-2024).

Below are examples of the programs of study for each concentration:


underGraudate programs

Each undergraduate student is required to prepare a program of study in consultation with his or her major. Sophomore students should create a program of study with the A2A College Advisor upon completion in Freshman Academy and will then be directed to their assigned Academic Advisor with the Department (Find My Advisor). Only under extreme circumstances and with adequate justification should changes be made to programs of study. All changes to programs of studies must have the approval of the student advisor, Undergraduate Coordinator, Department Chairperson and the Dean of the respective school.  

All changes in the planned degree program must be made at least one semester prior to the student's application for graduation.  Under no circumstances should a change in the program of study be requested for failing a required course (AAMU Undergraduate Bulletin, 2023-2024).

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