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Governance, Strategy, & Decision-Making

service area

Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering  Albertville City Schools
Arab City Schools  Boaz City Schools
DeKalb County Schools Fort Payne City Schools
Guntersville City Schools Huntsville City Schools
Jackson County Schools Madison City Schools
Madison County Schools Marshall County Schools
Scottsboro City Schools  

inservice accountability standards

The AAMU/UAH Regional Inservice Center operates under the guidelines of state-mandated accountability standards. The standards were recently updated and approved in 2019. Governing Board business is conducted according to approved center bylaws.  A copy of the accountability standards and bylaws can be accessed using the link below.


The Governing Board serves as the major policy body of the Center.  The overall responsibility of the Board is to insure that the Center is responsive to the professional learning needs of the faculty, administrators, and school boards of the following school systems:  Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering, Albertville City Schools, Arab City Schools, Boaz City Schools, DeKalb County Schools, Fort Payne City Schools, Guntersville City Schools, Huntsville City Schools, Jackson County Schools, Madison City Schools, Madison County Schools, Marshall County Schools, and Scottsboro City Schools.


The Board will comply with the following schedule of membership categories and specific numerical representations: 8 classroom educators, 4 administrators, 2 IHE representatives, 1 representative from the Alabama State Department of Education, and local school board member.       

Each of the twelve systems served by the Center shall be represented on the Board by either a teacher, an administrator, or a school board member.

appointment to Board membership

Initial appointments to board membership and/or reappointments to board membership shall be made by official resolution(s) of incumbent Governing Boards in duly constituted meetings.

Nominations for board membership shall be solicited from, but not limited to, local education associations, local superintendents, and the Center director.

terms of office

Board members shall serve staggered terms of three years and shall be eligible for one reappointment term.

responsibilities of the governing board

The Governing Board shall:

        1. Conduct a minimum of three (3) meetings per calendar year. 
        2. Review and approve board meeting minutes.
        3. Participate in an orientation session (new members).
        4. In cooperation with the ALSDE and host institution, determine the policies for the operation of the center, including days and hours of operation.
        5. Approve programs and activities that address needs as identified by needs assessments and/or student achievement data, and the plan to access the center’s programs and services by its constituent schools and districts.
        6. Approve the in-service center’s annual budget.
        7. Delegate to the in-service center director the authority and responsibility for the daily operation of the center, including the development maintenance of necessary records (financial and programmatic) and the coordination of programs and activities.
        8. Approve the center’s official report of the trainings offered. 
        9. Approve and present to the SDE by December 1st of each year an annual report of programs and activities including the components detailed in the Accountability Standards (2003).
        10. Develop and approve, along with the appropriate University of Alabama official, a position description for the Center director which includes the following minimum qualifications:
            • Three years experience in a position of instructional leadership
            • Master’s degree
            • Demonstrated competence in oral and written communication

2020-2021 AAMU/UAH Governing Board Members 

  • Mr. Jason HassGoverning Board President, Principal, Scottsboro City Schools 
  • Ms. Betty McIntireGoverning Board Secretary, Teacher, Jackson Co. Schools
  • Dr. Kisha Tolbert Simmons, Governing Board Executive Secretary, Director, AAMU/UAH RIC
  • Mr. Travis Cummings, School Board Member, Madison City Schools
  • Ms. Catina Hamilton, Instructional Coach, Boaz City Schools
  • Dr. Johanna Massey, Professor, AAMU
  • Ms. Tameka McGill, Teacher, Huntsville City Schools
  • Ms. Jennifer Taylor, District Administrator, Madison Co. Schools
  • Ms. Kimberley Tucker, Secondary ELA Instructional Coach, Arab City Schools
  • Ms. Porshe Chapman, Teacher, Huntsville City Schools
  • Ms. Shundra Morris, AMSTI-UAH STEM Specialist
  • Ms. Rachel Gibbs, Teacher, Madison City Schools
  • Ms. Jodi Jacobs, District Administrator, DeKalb County Schools

Strategic Plan

Coming Soon

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