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Walk Across the 1890s Ends May 14

May 14, 2021

840-mile challenge

How much do you really love your favorite 1890 institution (i.e., Alabama A&M University, of course)?  Have you ever heard of a love triangle

“Walk Across the 1890s” is an eight-week walking program that encourages people to walk individually or as part of a team.  The goal is to walk at least 840 miles, which is the distance connecting the 1890 land-grant institutions AAMU, Tennessee State and the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff. 

While the start date was March 22, Bulldogs and their supporters can still double down to “get their walk on” by the May 14 deadline.  Anyone can participate, regardless of age.  Teams are made up of three to six people and can include co-workers, family or friends.  However, a participant can only be a part of one team.

All teams that complete the 840-mile challenge will receive medals and a certificate of completion for each member.  Additional prizes will be awarded.

Finally, organizers stress that “Walk Across the 1890s” is an intentional exercise, not counting steps or routine daily activities.  Participants can incorporate aerobic, strength, balance, flexibility and weight-bearing exercises to help balance out their eight weeks. 

For activity/mileage equivalent options and other resources, visit the following:

Team Mileage Log: https://wwwaces.edu/go/1891

Individual Mileage Log:  https://www.aces.edu/go/1892

Mileage Conversion Chart:  https://www.aces.edu/go/1893

Mileage Calculator:         Android:  https://www.aces.edu/go/1894

                                           iPhone:   https://www.aces.edu/go/1895


RESULTS:            Team Mileage Form & Individual Mileage Form

For more information, contact Wendi Williams at williw1@auburn.edu or williw1@aces.edu.
