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Congratulations to the Best Graduates Anywhere on This Earth!

May 01, 2020


Congrats Grads

 College of Agricultural, Life and Natural Sciences - CALNS 2020 Video

College of Business and Public Affairs - COBPA 2020 Video

College of Education, Humanities and Behavioral Sciences - CEHBS 2020 Video

College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences - CETPS 2020 Video

School of Graduate Studies - Grad Studies 2020 Video


We know that these have been trying times ...  the sudden disruptions of classes … the push to online instruction … the worldwide impact of COVID-19 … 

But such tests are why over the past few years you have developed what it means to be “Bulldog Strong.”   While you can’t always count on things to go as planned, we want you to know that there’s one thing you can count on:  our commitment to providing our students with quality education. 

AAMU graduates will continue to make their marks throughout the globe, carrying the banner of their respective colleges with them.  So, in recognition of your many accomplishments, we have prepared five congratulatory videos in your honor to represent the four major colleges of AAMU, as well as its School of Graduate Studies.

Again, congratulations on your hard-earned achievements.  Your path to service awaits your first steps.  Go, Bulldogs!