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Solar Farm a Possibility for East Campus

solar farm
July 29, 2022

Sunrise in the East

Marshall ChimwedziTo reach an ambitious benchmark calling for obtaining at least 30 percent of its energy from renewable sources, Alabama A&M University staff and faculty recently met with a team of specialists.

Coordinated by Marshall Chimwedzi, director of AAMU’s expanding electric Bulldog Transit System and its subsequent charging station, a meeting with Holt Renewables of Austin, Texas, offered information and insight on solar design, engineering, procurement and construction. 

Other AAMU staff members in attendance included Jeffrey Robinson, purchasing; Brian Shipp, physical facilities; Dr. Ernst Cebert, manager, Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research Station; Dr. Raziq Yaqub, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and Jerome Saintjones, public relations.

Chimwedzi is embarking on an east campus solar farm that could provide a boost of electric energy for the bus charging station near the Physical Facilities area and across from the Mamie Labon Foster Complex.    
