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Funds Received for Carnegie Building Renovation

Carnegie Hall
September 26, 2022

Historic Structure Adds Campus Integrity

Alabama A&M University (AAMU) has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the U.S. National Parks Service for the Phase I Restoration and Renovation of Carnegie Hall Library.

The AAMU project team is led by Dr. Xiaoqing (Cathy) Qian (top left), executive director of 
research and sponsored programs, the principal investigator and project director. Dr. Lynda 
Batiste, interim vice president of business and finance, (above right) will serve as co-principal investigator. Dr. Majed Dweik (center) is vice president for research and economic development.

Carnegie Hall Library is one of 11 Neoclassical Revival buildings that showcases a national 
trend of campus building design. Rebuilt in 1906 after being destroyed by fire, it is believed to 
be the oldest extant building on the university’s campus, retains a high level of integrity, and 
contributes to the Alabama A&M University Historic District. 

“AAMU is excited about this award and the opportunity to preserve this significant structure," said Dr. Qian.  "We are grateful for the support and assistance from the Huntsville Historic Foundation, the City of Huntsville, the Normal Historic District Preservation Association, Senator Tommy Tuberville and Congressman Mo Brooks.”
