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Sandia Reps Visit The Hill

October 12, 2022

Reviewing Credentials

Sandia National Labs recently sponsored a 90-minute Resume Writing Seminar in the auditorium of Arthur J. Bond Hall at Alabama A&M University over the course of two days.  The workshops were presented by SNL representatives Steven Gianoulakis and Emily Ahr.

Because the resume is still regarded as a tool “to capture the attention of hiring managers,” SNL engineering managers provided College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences (CETPS) students the benefit of decades of experience in the workforce in reviewing the resumes of engineers and scientists.

Short one-on-one sessions were also offered to allow student participants to edit their resumes in real time and to make them submission-ready.

Dr. Zhengtao Deng, dean of CETPS, called the workshops “a huge success.”  He noted that the 33 participants enjoyed interactive assistance from the resume writing workshops, as well as straight-forward and practical answers to their questions.  Another 15 students attended the one-on-one writing and review sessions, where Gianoulakis and Ahr spent several minutes assisting students on an individual basis.

The SNL representatives also met with university administrators and faculty members, including Dr. Majed El-Dweik, vice president for research and economic development; Dr. Andrew Scott, executive director of AAMU-RISE Foundation; Dr. Cathy Qian, executive director for research and sponsored programs; and Dr. Ed Pearson, computer science faculty member.

Additionally, Dr. Ben Brodsky and Madison Helmstetter of SNL visited computer science, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering classes, where they discussed various opportunities with Sandia National Labs.
