A&M, Alums Nationwide Celebrate HBCU Virtual Homecoming

Recapturing the Homecoming Spirit
To foster black college pride and to keep alive the Homecoming spirit inhibited by event cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National HBCU Virtual Homecoming 2020 has been organized by HBCUNation.org and will launch its spirited run from October 1-31. AAMU alumni will also be called to show their love for A&M by daring to take the HBCU Smart Challenge and making a contribution.
Alabama A&M University supporters and alumni are joining forces with thousands of others from the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to celebrate the importance of and successes of the more than 100 institutions of higher education. Several HBCUs will be featured each week in October. AAMU will be featured in the first week of the month (October 1-4) with 11 other HBCUS and several HBCU-affiliated entities, including HBCU Buzz, HBCU Connect and others.
This virtual celebration will air exclusively on The HBCU Nation’s Digital Media properties HBCU Smart TV and its sister station, HBCUiRadio during the entire month of October. Gates open every Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern to jump off weekly Homecoming tailgating parties! Special fun-filled events are scheduled each weekend, wrapping up with “Let’s Go to Church” and a Gospel concert each Sunday.
Stay connected on social media (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram) @TheHBCUNation, @HBCUiRadio and @HBCUSmartTV. Visit hbcunation.org to stay updated. Taglines: #HBCUVirtualHomecoming2020 #HBCUSmart #HBCUiRadio #HBCUSmartTV #CelebrateHBCUsTogether #WeAreTheHBCUNation #National HBCUVirtualHomecoming2020.
To participate in the HBCU Smart Challenge, AAMU supporters are urged to visit www.aamu.edu. Loyal A&M fans can also visit HBCUNation.org and share the love in the "Why I'm Thankful for My HBCU" event by 1) Wearing their HBCU gear; 2) Recording a one-minute video about 'Why I Love My HBCU' (in .mp4 format - 1080p or 4K resolution); and submitting it via the link provided on HBCUNation.org.