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A&M Marketing Major Helps Create Minecraft Game

August 18, 2021

Financial Literacy for Middle Schoolers

BankAlabama A&M University junior marketing major Erin Martin is one of four historically black college and university (HBCU) interns who created “Fintropolis,” a new world in the wildly popular Minecraft.  Erin was part of a summer 2019 challenge to design a game to teach middle school students about financial concepts.

Ally Financial and rapper Big Sean liked their idea, financially backed the project, and launched the game this month. The games covers such broad topics as career and job opportunities; taxes; cash flow and budgeting; credit and debt; investing and identity protection.

Fintropolis already has 700,000 downloads: https://www.essence.com/.../big-sean-joins-ally.../ https://bit.ly/3iENCF2
