Celebrated Alumni to Marshal Homecoming Day Festivities

Alabama A&M Announces Homecoming Parade Grand Marshals
Leaders in business and impact, three Alabama A&M figures will serve as grand marshals of the 2024 Homecoming Parade. Louis “Henry” Gilford, Sr. and Ollie Hannon Gilford; and Margie Malone Tuckson will lead the parade on October 12 at 8 a.m. on Meridian Street.
Louis and Ollie Gilford received running starts with their professional careers at Alabama A&M University in the 1960s by participating in the University’s college work-study and cooperative education programs. In 1968, Henry earned the Bachelor of Science degree in building construction, and Ollie earned the Bachelor of Science degree in business education.
Margie Malone Tuckson’s career as an IT consultant, a non-profit fundraiser and current Chief Financial Officer for her family business has created many pathways for impact at AAMU and beyond. Tuckson Health Connections is a healthcare consulting firm with a primary mission of providing accurate, truthful, and up-to-date healthcare data to underserved communities. A successful campaign during Covid-19 reached an audience of over one million.
This year’s Homecoming theme – Channel 1875 – brings into focus the impact of Alabama A&M University, its students, alumni, and supporters.
Earlier this year, Tuckson’s efforts led to the Alabama A&M Board of Trustees’ approval of the first endowed chair in the University’s history. The Vivian Malone Endowed Chair in Business Excellence in the College of Business honors her sister - an Alabama A&M trailblazer who became the first African American student to graduate from the University of Alabama. After a lengthy court battle, Malone and James Hood were formally admitted to the University of Alabama in 1963 while becoming the center of national debate over racial equality in higher education.
Tuckson initiated the effort through a $250,000 gift to the AAMU Foundation. Both sisters were initiated into the Delta Delta chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at Alabama A&M University.
The Gilford’s professional pursuits have included a variety of occupational experiences in the educational, business and industry sectors. As the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gilford Corporation, Henry is recognized as an astute business partner throughout the construction and engineering industry. As the sole general contractor or joint venture, Henry led the company in generating more than $1 billion in gross construction revenue. During Ollie’s tenure as a high school guidance counselor with the Montgomery County Public Schools, she advised countless students on college and career paths and assisted them in the improvement of their self-confidence and self-esteem. After serving 32 years in education, she retired and joined Gilford Corporation.
In 2002, Henry and Ollie established the Kesi Gilford Reynauld Memorial Foundation in memory of their beloved daughter. One of the objectives of the Foundation is to provide scholarships annually to deserving and academically talented high school students desiring to pursue a college education at AAMU, as well as at other historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and majority colleges and universities.
To learn more about 2024 Homecoming activities, visit www.aamu.edu/Homecoming.